About Me

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I am a Merlequin Great Dane and I live in Redlands, CA with my mom and dad. You can also follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GreatDaneMonte

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sunny Saturday

It is a sunny beautiful day this Saturday. But instead of going for walkies... this is what has transpired...

First... Mom is in charge of making sure these little girls are being fed on time. Since they are not friendly with other furries, she sleeps at their house during the dark hours, then comes back home to me. So today, while we are busy, this is what they are doing...

Me? Well, I have to supervise all the activity...

Dad works on his challenge...

While Mom works on her challenge...

And Cinder kitty explores



  1. Well, around here, master works on the parts of the estate in front of the fence and momma works on the parts behind the fence. She says she can't work out front because she needs me with her to help. I am a true believer that humans get more done with a doggie by their side.


  2. ah sunshine

    Stop on by for a visit
